Web development can be broken down into three types of programming, and interface design in Web design only relates to the portion of an app that a user interacts with. The other two types of Web programming are database and business logic development, and the three sections of an app are self-contained in separate files or packages so that each section can easily be edited without changing anything about the others.
This design pattern is referred to as Model-View-Controller, or MVC, programming, and it’s the most common type of programming on the Internet, according to Microsoft. Interface design falls under the “View” category of Web design, and depending on the size of the project, an entire team may be assigned to design and implement it.
Languages Used for Interface Design on the Web
The user interface languages most people are familiar with are HTML, CSS and JavaScript, and many Web programming frameworks include their own versions of these languages or integrated support for dropping existing code into a project. For example, AngularJS and Node.js are two popular frameworks based on JavaScript, and Django is a widely used framework based on Python. All Web frameworks really use HTML for interface design, since that’s what Web browsers use to display text and widgets, but the implementation of a project’s code depends on the framework being used.
In Django, the “View” code is written using an implementation of HTML and JavaScript designed specifically for Django projects. This framework is extremely robust and heavy-duty, and most programmers use it only for major projects. For smaller apps, simple Python code is usually sufficient for the “Controller” code or business logic while plain HTML and JavaScript are used for the interface.
For these smaller apps, there is a large selection of frameworks and languages that may be appropriate. Node.js, a modular JavaScript framework that allows you to build an app one module at a time, may be appropriate while plain PHP, HTML, CSS and JavaScript may also be appropriate if you don’t want to use a framework.
If you’re just starting out as a Web developer, it’s important to try out several languages and frameworks to find the ones you like best. Then, when you’re somewhat familiar with a few languages, you can specialize in the ones you like. As an interface designer, the minimum requirements are HTML, CSS and JavaScript.
Job Opportunities for Web Interface Designers
In addition to seeking Web design jobs, you can market your skills as a theme developer for popular content management systems such as WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, Tumblr, Blogger and any other platform that uses HTML-based themes. These themes often sell for $20 to $50 per license, but you can drum up business for yourself by giving away a few sample themes.
Getting involved in Web design doesn’t require a four-year degree, and you may not even need a two-year degree if you already know what you’re doing. If you don’t have any experience, the fastest path to becoming a Web designer is to enroll in a two-year program at a university or community college.
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The world of computer programming is rapidly expanding, and the opportunities are excellent in this rewarding field. If you have an interest in coding and visual design, continue learning about interface design in Web design.